Hi y'all. The terrible two here. We know we haven't posted in a while , but we've been busy.
yeah real busy
Thats right Beth we've been busy. Busy with what you may ask?
Uh I don't ask.
I wasn't asking you Beth
Oh.... sorry :)
As I was saying -- busy have we've been. Yes, busy keeping Mommy awake. You see Mommy doesn't like to sleep much
Yes, really. She doesn't care for it much at all.
It's just... the other day I heard her ...
Excuse me who's writing this blog???
Well considering we don't speak English....
Stifle it! As I was saying Mommy doesn't enjoy sleeping so Beth and I take turns all night long screaming to keep her up
I like the 3:30 am shift myself
Indeed... So dear readers, so you can see with all this screaming to do -- who has time to blog???
yeah but the big blonde kid hasn't blogged in a while ...
Awww... let mommy get some rest... she's tired! I can't wait to see you little ones!!!
Oh, poor Mommy! Hopefully they sleep soon. Hopefully (and I'm sure) Daddy's helping. In that case, poor Daddy, too.
I'll be wishing that the sleep fairies visit you soon. Heck, they could visit me too. Though Arty gets up with Bennett at night, so I'm lucky.
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