Sunday, July 20, 2008

What did you say??

Hello Beth here with another excited misadventure with ...

Oh for the love of-- Beth what are you doing to that Book?

Just taking your advice Kat.


Yeah you say I need to digest more of the classics if

That's not What I meant you silly ...

Listen Kat I'm sick of you thinking You are so much smarter than me.

Oh?? And what are you going to do?

This --- "MA MA" --- "MA MA"

WHAT!!!! You're talking to the mama? No one talks to the mama. Well maybe the blonde she-devil sometimes -- but not us twins...

Mama! Mama!


Candy said...

Awwww... they can say MaMa? Awwwww...

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Steal. Babies.

Da Mole said...

No no its not a they its a she -- just Elizabeth for the time being. After months of pretending Kat was the brains :)