Saturday, December 6, 2008

First Meeting with the Bearded Man

Well, what a busy day. We woke up from our nap and the house had a tree in it. Then, we went to a new Ethopian place, where we got to sit in big kid chairs and everyone ate with their hands--usually, we're the only ones. We loved the split peas and the injera (Ethopian bread). Yummy! Next, Grandma came over and we all went to see this man with a white beard. It was our first meeting with him, but we took to him as if he was an old friend. He said if we're nice he'll bring presents. What a deal! We're always nice . . . well most of the time . . . well at least some of the time. Ed Note: Kathryn is wearing blue shoes and Elizabeth's are purple.

1 comment:

Candy said...

Ut oh... those two are gonna take the north pole by storm! So cute... there's a Ethiopian place in Austin?