Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Shoe Game

Grandma has been visiting us lots lately--she says it is summer and she doesn't have to work. We wonder what that has to do with visiting us, but we can't quite figure out how to ask. Anyway, we invented a new game to play while she watches us. It's called The Shoe Game. It can be played with lots of different shoes, but we like the ones our sister has outgrown the best. We each bring a shoe to Grandma and she puts it on the correct foot. Then we hobble around for awhile and when it falls off, we just take it back to Grandma and have her put it on us all over again. It is so much fun we could just play and play for hours.

We're also mastering the art of drinking out of straws. Can you look at our pictures and figure out who has mastered it and who hasn't? I'll bet you can.

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